Karen Foss
Karen Foss, født 1957, Vancouver. Utdannet ved Operaens heldagsskole(73/75), som ballettdanser og pedagog. Videreutdannet i Vaganova balletteknikk ved School of Royal Winnipeg Ballet/Professional Programme(75/80). Utstrakt frilansarbeid som danser og utøver for bl.a. norskbaserte kunstnere som Alveberg, Ferner, Skøien, Eger, Bjørnsgaard, Jørgensen, C.Johannessen, Nordseth. Danser i Carte Blanche/Oslo. Danser for Anzu Fukukawa(Under the Window" 1990) og Min Tanaka ("Dance of Life" 1995) Skapende arbeid siden 1984. Pedagogisk virksomhet i dans generelt og spesifikt siden 1983, inkl. forelesninger, seminarer, verksteder, foredrag, ved bl.a. UiB, KHiO, SFH, NISS, HiB. Kunstnerisk daglig leder for Østgøtaballetten/SE 1995-96.
Kunstnerisk daglig leder for Carte Blanche AS/Bergen/NO 1997-01. Eget virke som koreograf i karen foss Quiet Works siden 2000.
Mottatt en rekke stipender, bl.a. Thorleif Dahl ballettstipend, HFK stipend for kunstnere, FFUK reise - og utdanningsstipend,
Statens reisestipend og material stipend for kunstnere. Statens arbeidsstipend for kunstnere. Innrømmet GI september 2008.
Deltidsansatt ved HiB musikk og dramaseksjonene, som danseansvarlig lærer, siden 2010. Kritikerroste forestillinger perle enkelt/2000 og europa kvinne/2006. For tiden med base på Tjøme og i Bergen.
Karen Foss, født 1957, Vancouver. Utdannet ved Operaens heldagsskole(73/75), som ballettdanser og pedagog. Videreutdannet i Vaganova balletteknikk ved School of Royal Winnipeg Ballet/Professional Programme(75/80). Utstrakt frilansarbeid som danser og utøver for bl.a. norskbaserte kunstnere som Alveberg, Ferner, Skøien, Eger, Bjørnsgaard, Jørgensen, C.Johannessen, Nordseth. Danser i Carte Blanche/Oslo. Danser for Anzu Fukukawa(Under the Window" 1990) og Min Tanaka ("Dance of Life" 1995) Skapende arbeid siden 1984. Pedagogisk virksomhet i dans generelt og spesifikt siden 1983, inkl. forelesninger, seminarer, verksteder, foredrag, ved bl.a. UiB, KHiO, SFH, NISS, HiB. Kunstnerisk daglig leder for Østgøtaballetten/SE 1995-96.
Kunstnerisk daglig leder for Carte Blanche AS/Bergen/NO 1997-01. Eget virke som koreograf i karen foss Quiet Works siden 2000.
Mottatt en rekke stipender, bl.a. Thorleif Dahl ballettstipend, HFK stipend for kunstnere, FFUK reise - og utdanningsstipend,
Statens reisestipend og material stipend for kunstnere. Statens arbeidsstipend for kunstnere. Innrømmet GI september 2008.
Deltidsansatt ved HiB musikk og dramaseksjonene, som danseansvarlig lærer, siden 2010. Kritikerroste forestillinger perle enkelt/2000 og europa kvinne/2006. For tiden med base på Tjøme og i Bergen.

Camilla Svingen
Camilla har lang erfaring innen prosjektledelse, produsentarbeid, rådgivning, kulturpolitisk arbeid, scenekunstproduksjon, og som gründer og programansvarlig for Mini Midi Maxi - internasjonal teaterfestival. Hun var tidligere daglig leder hos Proscen - Produsentenhet for scenekunst, hvor hun utviklet nasjonale prosjekt som Grunnkurs for produsenten, PRO-Produsenten og Slipp. I tillegg til å arbeide i SYV MIL AS er hun økonomiansvarlig for Bergen Senter for Elektronisk Kunst, 25% stilling. Camilla har et stort nasjonalt og internasjonalt nettverk innenfor scenekunst for barn og unge, samtidsdans- og teater, figurteater, residenser og organisasjoner. Utdanning: Teatervitenskap (UIB), Produsentkunnskap for Scenekunst (NTNU), Digital kultur (UIB) og Litteratur (UIB).
Camilla har lang erfaring innen prosjektledelse, produsentarbeid, rådgivning, kulturpolitisk arbeid, scenekunstproduksjon, og som gründer og programansvarlig for Mini Midi Maxi - internasjonal teaterfestival. Hun var tidligere daglig leder hos Proscen - Produsentenhet for scenekunst, hvor hun utviklet nasjonale prosjekt som Grunnkurs for produsenten, PRO-Produsenten og Slipp. I tillegg til å arbeide i SYV MIL AS er hun økonomiansvarlig for Bergen Senter for Elektronisk Kunst, 25% stilling. Camilla har et stort nasjonalt og internasjonalt nettverk innenfor scenekunst for barn og unge, samtidsdans- og teater, figurteater, residenser og organisasjoner. Utdanning: Teatervitenskap (UIB), Produsentkunnskap for Scenekunst (NTNU), Digital kultur (UIB) og Litteratur (UIB).

Marianne Kjærsund
Utdannet Ballettpedagog ved Høgskolen i Bodø, 2001. Etter endt utdanning har hun kombinert undervisning og utøvende arbeid innen samtidsdans. Med interesse for et bredt spekter av sceneuttrykk, har hun aktivt gått inn for å samarbeide med en stor variasjon av scenekunstnere.
Blandt andre har hun medvirket i "Gracerunners» og «To» av Karen Sofie Foss,"Bättre folk" og "Rosa löften" av Malin Hellkvist Sellén (SE), "Me too" av Helgebostad/Rueslåtten, "Animal Magnetism 1" og "Riding Romance: Swanlake" av Henriette Pedersen, "Lingering upon an earlier event" av Impure company, "Grip" av Stian Danielsen, "Du skal ikke skue hunden på
hårene" av Elle Sofe Henriksen og "By Carte Blanche" av og med danserne i Carte Blanche. Andre viktige samarbeidspartnere
har vært Kristina Gjems, Øyvind Jørgensen, DEED, Steffi Lund, Hege Haagenrud og Inger-Reidun Olsen. Samarbeidet med regissør Kjersti Horn har gitt Marianne utviklingsmuligheter av eget koreografisk arbeid i teateret. Deriblandt "Jeg var Fritz Moen" og "Søstra mi" ved Riksteateret, og "Styrtet engel" ved Nationalteateret. Ved Nordland teater har hun koreografert
"Stormen" i regi av Birgitte Strid, og "Fighting Gravity ved Brageteateret i samarbeid med regissør Anders Borchgrevink.
Kjærsund har mottat Rolf Gammeleng-prisen for "fortjenstfull medvirkning i scenekunstneriske forestillinger", og Norsk
kulturråds arbeidsstipend for yngre uetablerte kunstnere og ordinært arbeidsstipend for dansekunstnere.
Utdannet Ballettpedagog ved Høgskolen i Bodø, 2001. Etter endt utdanning har hun kombinert undervisning og utøvende arbeid innen samtidsdans. Med interesse for et bredt spekter av sceneuttrykk, har hun aktivt gått inn for å samarbeide med en stor variasjon av scenekunstnere.
Blandt andre har hun medvirket i "Gracerunners» og «To» av Karen Sofie Foss,"Bättre folk" og "Rosa löften" av Malin Hellkvist Sellén (SE), "Me too" av Helgebostad/Rueslåtten, "Animal Magnetism 1" og "Riding Romance: Swanlake" av Henriette Pedersen, "Lingering upon an earlier event" av Impure company, "Grip" av Stian Danielsen, "Du skal ikke skue hunden på
hårene" av Elle Sofe Henriksen og "By Carte Blanche" av og med danserne i Carte Blanche. Andre viktige samarbeidspartnere
har vært Kristina Gjems, Øyvind Jørgensen, DEED, Steffi Lund, Hege Haagenrud og Inger-Reidun Olsen. Samarbeidet med regissør Kjersti Horn har gitt Marianne utviklingsmuligheter av eget koreografisk arbeid i teateret. Deriblandt "Jeg var Fritz Moen" og "Søstra mi" ved Riksteateret, og "Styrtet engel" ved Nationalteateret. Ved Nordland teater har hun koreografert
"Stormen" i regi av Birgitte Strid, og "Fighting Gravity ved Brageteateret i samarbeid med regissør Anders Borchgrevink.
Kjærsund har mottat Rolf Gammeleng-prisen for "fortjenstfull medvirkning i scenekunstneriske forestillinger", og Norsk
kulturråds arbeidsstipend for yngre uetablerte kunstnere og ordinært arbeidsstipend for dansekunstnere.

Suzie Davies
Suzie R. Davies started her career dancing in the Monty Python film The Meaning of Life in 1983. She graduated in 1992 from The Place, London, after which she joined Uppercut Danseteater in Copenhagen. From 1995 - 2004 she worked in Carte Blanche, the Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance. During this period she also toured internationally with Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt and took a leave from Carte Blanche to work with JazzXchange in London. Suzie has her base as a freelance artist in Oslo and is employed by The Actors and Dancers Alliance when she is not working with other project based companies. She is a member of Alan Lucien Øyen’s company Winter Guests where she works mainly as an actor. Suzie also runs, and performs with, her own company DEED together with her partner Mattias Ekholm. She has been teaching regularly
for many years, most recently at the Oslo National Academy Of The Arts, and Proda, Professional Dance Training. In 2010
Suzie was awarded FFUK’s Rolf Gammleng Prize for her work as a dancer. Suzie started collaborating with Karen Foss in 2000
has been a member of Karen Foss Quiet Works since the company was established.
Suzie R. Davies started her career dancing in the Monty Python film The Meaning of Life in 1983. She graduated in 1992 from The Place, London, after which she joined Uppercut Danseteater in Copenhagen. From 1995 - 2004 she worked in Carte Blanche, the Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance. During this period she also toured internationally with Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt and took a leave from Carte Blanche to work with JazzXchange in London. Suzie has her base as a freelance artist in Oslo and is employed by The Actors and Dancers Alliance when she is not working with other project based companies. She is a member of Alan Lucien Øyen’s company Winter Guests where she works mainly as an actor. Suzie also runs, and performs with, her own company DEED together with her partner Mattias Ekholm. She has been teaching regularly
for many years, most recently at the Oslo National Academy Of The Arts, and Proda, Professional Dance Training. In 2010
Suzie was awarded FFUK’s Rolf Gammleng Prize for her work as a dancer. Suzie started collaborating with Karen Foss in 2000
has been a member of Karen Foss Quiet Works since the company was established.

Isabell B. Johansen
Grew up in Trondheim, but living in Oslo for the moment.
She has her education from Trondheim Katedralskole and Oslo National Academy of the Arts / KHiO where she have a bachelor degree in Contemporary- and Modern dance. After this she got an opportunity to immerse herself in Roberto Zappalà's technic/style, and to work close with the company in Sicily and to work as a freelance dancer.
Other projects: The Woodlands Project by Karlsen/Pratt in Harare, Zimbabwe, performed at the HIFA festival,
Silent Drum choreographed by Tendai Makurumbandi and Nasser Mhende. She was before this employed at the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, where she took part of the opera Peer Gynt. And ”Ut i scenekunsten”, where the production consisted of a two part dance performance. The choreographers was Christopher Arouni and Yossi Berg & Oded Graf. She
have with this performance toured with ”DKS” and the CODA festival in Bærum Kulturhus, Kilden Kristiansand,
Sandnes/Stavanger, Skånes Dansteater, Warehouse 2 (Tel Aviv), Nuuk (Greenland) and guested for Carte Blanche. The same
year she came back from Sicily she took part of the opera Olav Engelbrektsson where her role was ”Dancing Lucie”
(Steinvikholmen Musikkteater).
Grew up in Trondheim, but living in Oslo for the moment.
She has her education from Trondheim Katedralskole and Oslo National Academy of the Arts / KHiO where she have a bachelor degree in Contemporary- and Modern dance. After this she got an opportunity to immerse herself in Roberto Zappalà's technic/style, and to work close with the company in Sicily and to work as a freelance dancer.
Other projects: The Woodlands Project by Karlsen/Pratt in Harare, Zimbabwe, performed at the HIFA festival,
Silent Drum choreographed by Tendai Makurumbandi and Nasser Mhende. She was before this employed at the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, where she took part of the opera Peer Gynt. And ”Ut i scenekunsten”, where the production consisted of a two part dance performance. The choreographers was Christopher Arouni and Yossi Berg & Oded Graf. She
have with this performance toured with ”DKS” and the CODA festival in Bærum Kulturhus, Kilden Kristiansand,
Sandnes/Stavanger, Skånes Dansteater, Warehouse 2 (Tel Aviv), Nuuk (Greenland) and guested for Carte Blanche. The same
year she came back from Sicily she took part of the opera Olav Engelbrektsson where her role was ”Dancing Lucie”
(Steinvikholmen Musikkteater).

Martina Hajdyla Lacova
Martina Hajdyla Lacová /1986/ She graduated from J.L. Bell Conservatory in Banská Bystrica as well as from Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Dance Pedagogy Department. In 2008, she participated in a half-year study programme in Hoger Instituut voor Dans in Antwerp, where she worked with an outstanding Belgian choreographer, Ann van den Broek. During her studies she has been working with various choreographers Marta Poláková (SK), Mirka Eliášová (CZ), Šárka Ondrišová /SK/, Ji-Eun Lee /KOR/, Helene Weinzierl /AUS/, Maya M.Carroll /ISR/, Karen Foss /NO/. She is a founding member of dance company ME-SA (2008). At present she collaborates with Karen Foss quiet works /NO/, Da Motus ! /CH/, VerTeDance company /CZ/, NANOHACH /CZ/, Debris company /SK/. Martina was awarded by the prize 'The Dancer of the Year 2015' in Czech Republic. She also works as a guest teacher in dance schools and studios over the Czech
Republic and Slovakia.
Martina Hajdyla Lacová /1986/ She graduated from J.L. Bell Conservatory in Banská Bystrica as well as from Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Dance Pedagogy Department. In 2008, she participated in a half-year study programme in Hoger Instituut voor Dans in Antwerp, where she worked with an outstanding Belgian choreographer, Ann van den Broek. During her studies she has been working with various choreographers Marta Poláková (SK), Mirka Eliášová (CZ), Šárka Ondrišová /SK/, Ji-Eun Lee /KOR/, Helene Weinzierl /AUS/, Maya M.Carroll /ISR/, Karen Foss /NO/. She is a founding member of dance company ME-SA (2008). At present she collaborates with Karen Foss quiet works /NO/, Da Motus ! /CH/, VerTeDance company /CZ/, NANOHACH /CZ/, Debris company /SK/. Martina was awarded by the prize 'The Dancer of the Year 2015' in Czech Republic. She also works as a guest teacher in dance schools and studios over the Czech
Republic and Slovakia.

Daniel Racek
Choreographer, dancer and teacher working as a freelancer from Považská Bystrica, Slovakia. His dance beginning is connected with slovak folk-dance group Váh in Púchov. Since 1992 he is focused on contemporary dance and contact improvisation. In the past collaborated with various choreographers and directors at home and abroad: Marta Renzi, Julyen Hamilton, Eszter Gal, Zuzana Hajkova, Petra Fornayova, Ioana Popovici, Peter Groll, Karen Foss, Jozef Fruček and Linda Kapetanea. Presently is stable member of Debris Company Slovakia, DOT504 in Prague and Karen Foss Quiet Works in Norway. In 2006 the prime winner of the Philip Morris prize, The Flower of the ballet. Graduated on faculty of Mathematics and Physics of University Comenius and faculty of music and dance on Academy of Performing arts in Bratislava.
Choreographer, dancer and teacher working as a freelancer from Považská Bystrica, Slovakia. His dance beginning is connected with slovak folk-dance group Váh in Púchov. Since 1992 he is focused on contemporary dance and contact improvisation. In the past collaborated with various choreographers and directors at home and abroad: Marta Renzi, Julyen Hamilton, Eszter Gal, Zuzana Hajkova, Petra Fornayova, Ioana Popovici, Peter Groll, Karen Foss, Jozef Fruček and Linda Kapetanea. Presently is stable member of Debris Company Slovakia, DOT504 in Prague and Karen Foss Quiet Works in Norway. In 2006 the prime winner of the Philip Morris prize, The Flower of the ballet. Graduated on faculty of Mathematics and Physics of University Comenius and faculty of music and dance on Academy of Performing arts in Bratislava.
Tidligere samarbeidspartnere:

Stian Danielsen

Sidsel Pape
is a dance scholar, dramaturge and writer with a background as a performing artist and teacher of improvisation, educated at European Dance Development Center in Holland (10990 – 1994). She holds an MA in dance studies from the NoMads-program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU (2005). Pape is associated with Nordic Summer University where she has been a member of the board and study circle coordinator since 2002. From 2006 she had worked as a dramaturgical coach in artistic processes with Nordic and Norwegian choreographers and as a lecturer of dance at the University of Tromsø. As a coach she draws upon studies as a performing artist of improvisation, gender studies, practical knowledge and pedagogy. Pape has worked as a critic in several newspapers and journals in Norway and Sweden since 2007. She is a recipient of the
Norwegian Government fellowship for artists (1998, 2000, 2001, 2015). Recently Pape has been working as a curator in dance-
and performing arts in Seminarium. Born in Oslo 1967, still based in Oslo.
is a dance scholar, dramaturge and writer with a background as a performing artist and teacher of improvisation, educated at European Dance Development Center in Holland (10990 – 1994). She holds an MA in dance studies from the NoMads-program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU (2005). Pape is associated with Nordic Summer University where she has been a member of the board and study circle coordinator since 2002. From 2006 she had worked as a dramaturgical coach in artistic processes with Nordic and Norwegian choreographers and as a lecturer of dance at the University of Tromsø. As a coach she draws upon studies as a performing artist of improvisation, gender studies, practical knowledge and pedagogy. Pape has worked as a critic in several newspapers and journals in Norway and Sweden since 2007. She is a recipient of the
Norwegian Government fellowship for artists (1998, 2000, 2001, 2015). Recently Pape has been working as a curator in dance-
and performing arts in Seminarium. Born in Oslo 1967, still based in Oslo.

Jørgen Knudsen
Utdannet kjemiingeniør, teaterviter og kunsthistoriker. Har laget musikk til en rekke forestillinger, performancearbeider, konserter og installasjoner siden tidlig -80 tallet, blant annet som medlem av Baktruppen.
Utdannet kjemiingeniør, teaterviter og kunsthistoriker. Har laget musikk til en rekke forestillinger, performancearbeider, konserter og installasjoner siden tidlig -80 tallet, blant annet som medlem av Baktruppen.